Estudios que contribuyen al conocimiento del Covid-19 y sus repercusiones en la población

Santa Marta Salud Mental

Dra. Martha Fernández-Daza, Dra. Sara Zabarain-Cogollo, Dr. Julio Ossa, Dr. José Maestre, Zuleima León Valle y Greys Castro publicaron tres capítulos de libro en “Psychology and Covid-19 in the Americas” de la editorial Springer.

Dra. Martha Fernández-Daza, Dra. Sara Zabarain-Cogollo, Dr. Julio Ossa, Dr. José Maestre, Zuleima León Valle y Greys Castro publicaron tres capítulos de libro en “Psychology and Covid-19 in the Americas” de la editorial Springer.

​Los investigadores Dra. Martha Fernández-Daza, Dra. Sara Zabarain-Cogollo, Dr. Julio Ossa, Dr. José Maestre, Zuleima León Valle y Greys Castro publicaron tres capítulos de libro en “Psychology and Covid-19 in the Americas” de la editorial Springer. Esta es una editorial científica, técnica y médica líder a nivel mundial que brinda contenido de calidad a investigadores del mundo académico e instituciones científicas; es parte de Springer Nature, cuya finalidad es promover la generación de conocimiento mediante la publicación de ciencia sólida y reveladora. 

El capítulo titulado “Perception of Health and Well-Being Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombian Children and Adolescents” con la autoría de Sara Zabarain-Cogollo, Martha Fernández-Daza, Zuleima León Valle y Ubaldo Rodríguez de Ávila, difunde los resultados del estudio “Incidencia del Covid-19 en el bienestar, la salud y el apego, de niños, niñas y adolescentes colombianos”.

A continuación su abstract: 

COVID-19 had a negative impact on all areas of human development. In this chapter, we analyze Colombian children and adolescents’ perception of health and well-being due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of widespread social isolation and fear.

A total of 459 children of both genders, between the ages of 8 and 18, from public and private schools, participated. Children’s perceptions and quality of life during the pandemic were measured. There was a significant correlation between health and well-being. Health was directly influenced by age, fear, mood, and sleep habits. Well-being was affected by relationships with parents, social support, and the school environment. 

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El capítulo 35 del libro está titulado “Psychological Effects of COVID-19 and Coping Styles in Healthcare Personnel from Spain and the Americas”, bajo la autoría de: Martha Fernández-Daza, Sara Zabaraín-Cogollo, María Olivencia Carrión, Manuel Jiménez Torres, María Demelza Olivencia Carrión, José Maestre y Greys Castro. Informa sobre los resultados del proyecto de investigación: Impacto Psicológico y Afrontamiento del Covid-19 en personal sanitario de países hispanohablantes. Reunió a investigadores de la Universidad de Granada- España, centros de salud de Jaén-España y a investigadores de los programas de Medicina y Psicología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Santa Marta.

Seguidamente se muestra su abstract: The main objective of the study presented in this chapter was to analyze the effects and coping of COVID-19 in healthcare personnel from Spain and the Americas. The specific objectives were to: (1) identify the effects according to geographic location; (2) identify support networks and risk indicators by geographic location; and (3) determine coping styles by geographic location. The sample consisted of 415 health professionals. Sociodemographic characteristics, effects and risk indicators were measured with a survey. In addition, the Coping Styles and Strategies Scale was used. Our findings showed that most of the staff were from South America (48.0%) and Spain (22.7%). Most of the effects according to country were at work, physical and emotional levels. In all countries there was a predominance of personnel with between one and two support networks. Some risk indicators were the scarce hospital supplies, despite the fact that most of them attended patients with COVID-19 and felt that their lives were in danger. There were differences in passive and avoidance coping by geographic location.

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En lo que respecta al capítulo 40 denominado “COVID-19 and Child Development in Colombia: A Study Based on the Tower of Hanoi” con la autoría del Dr Julio César Ossa y Elda Cerchiaro-Ceballos buscó establecer la relación entre factores cognitivos y emocionales en la resolución de problemas en niños, asociados a la situación de confinamiento generada por el COVID-19. Los hallazgos de este estudio resultan relevantes en dos sentidos: La ansiedad, expresada por los niños, no parecía afectar su desempeño en la tarea y estaba más vinculada al contacto social y el temor al contagio. Por otro lado, estos resultados ponen en evidencia la ansiedad de separación en los niños como un elemento destacado que emergió durante el confinamiento. Dicha Ansiedad está vinculada con al temor de que sus padres enfermasen de COVID-19 y ante la posibilidad de perderlos. 

Veámos a continuación el resumen: This chapter describes the process of children solving the Tower of Hanoi problem in relation to the cognitive and emotional factors involved as indicators of the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their development. Ten girls and 10 boys between the ages of nine and 11 years old, as well as 20 parents participated. The Tower of Hanoi was adapted into a web application, which allowed the recording of each of the children’s actions. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and a short questionnaire were also administered as part of the study. The Tower of Hanoi was presented individually with four records and four attempts, in a virtual session. The results showed that the children were affected in terms of separation anxiety and fear of contagion. However, there was no evidence of impairment in cognitive performance. 

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Los capítulos mencionados no solo constituyen una valiosa contribución al conocimiento de la población y la generación científica en contextos pandémicos, sino que también destacan por su significativo impacto social. El grupo de investigación "Estudios Sociales Interdisciplinares" nuevamente ha logrado consolidar un aporte esencial que trasciende el ámbito académico, contribuyendo de manera significativa a la comprensión y afrontamiento de situaciones pandémicas no solo en beneficio de la sociedad colombiana sino también de otros países.

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